Saturday, May 30, 2009

Stage Fright

Recital is coming up and many dancers suffer stage fright. Most of the fear occurs before you step on-stage. Once you're up there, it usually goes away. Try to think of stage fright in a positive way. Fear is your friend. It makes your reflexes sharper. It heightens your energy, adds a sparkle to your eye, and color to your cheeks. When you are nervous about speaking you are more conscious of your posture and breathing.

Symtoms of Stage Fright are:
 Dry mouth.
 Tight throat.
 Sweaty hands.
 Cold hands.
 Shaky hands.
 Fast pulse.
 Shaky knees.
 Trembling lips.

To help get over Stage Fright:
 Concentrate on how good you are.
 Pretend you are just chatting with a group of friends.
 Close your eyes and imagine the audience listening, laughing, and applauding.
 Remember happy moments from your past.
 Think about your love for and desire to help the audience.
 Picture the audience in their underwear

Some people think they have stage fright when it is really excitment.

REMEMBER- Take a deep breath, go out onstage and HAVE FUN!

Adapted from (


  1. Hi,Great post.This is really helpful. :)

  2. Thanks! If you have anything you want to see on the blog just E-Mail me.
